Fallout new vegas best mod manager
Fallout new vegas best mod manager

fallout new vegas best mod manager fallout new vegas best mod manager

I’m most familiar with the older app called Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) however they have recently put out a new tool called Vortex which seems to serve a very similar purpose albeit with a cleaner interface. Nexus also offer a mod manager tool that makes the process of installing mods & keeping them updated far simpler. Nexus also has easy links to allow for direct donations towards mod creators (as well as a patreon that claims to give all its earnings towards creators). Making an account on there is a good way of keeping track of the mods you might want to try out at a later date, although I should mention that there is nsfw content on the site (which I believe is hidden by default). Outside of Steam Workshop, which isn’t available for New Vegas, it is probably the best resource for finding & hosting mods for a variety of different games. If you can afford to give something back I’m sure they’d greatly appreciate the thought.įirst and foremost, if you are completely new to modding and/or installing mods I’d recommend taking a look at. In the absence of any paid mod structure for these games, most creators are doing all this hard work for very little recompense. That is why I thought it might be helpful to put together a thread for folks to share recommendations on the mods they have had the best experiences with, and to offer information to those new to the process of installing mods.įinally, I’d like to make a point of saying that if you happen to try and enjoy any mods as part of replaying New Vegas (or any game for that matter) please consider supporting the creators. That said, there are so many mods out there that it can be difficult knowing which are worth trying, and the lack of steam workshop support for New Vegas means the process of installing mods successfully can be a little tricky for newcomers. There’s an immense volume of fantastic mods available that range from anywhere between minor adjustments/tweaks to full-blown expansions. Though there are plenty of valid reasons for wanting to experience a game again in its original form, over the years I’ve grown quite attached to the modding scene around the Bethesda/Obsidian Fallout games (and similarly the Elder Scrolls series). It’s often praised as being the good one of the first-person Fallout games and the recent Fallout discourse has left me keen to return to it. It’s been several years since I played NV and I, like I imagine a lot of people, are curious as to how it holds up. Fallout: New Vegas in particular is the one I’ve seen most amount of interest in. With the launch of Fallout 76 and the mostly tepid response following it, I’ve seen a fair number of folks express interest in revisting some of the older titles in the Fallout series.

Fallout new vegas best mod manager